
ADO River Valley - Here at ADO River Valley, Our Future Is Helping Your Future
Although not a constitutional requirement of a community interest company, ADO has always sought the expertise and guidance of our management committee to ensure governance and the development of our company complies to the ethical standards and the ethos we strive for. The committee has grown in recent years and is now a very experienced team of professionals across many disciplines and career paths. They are all fully onboard with our aims and objectives and have contributed immensely with the support we require for a growing education provider.
The management committee meet at least four times per year remotely, unless an extraordinary meeting is required. They are not though a 'tick-box' committee. They have all genuinely been a part of our growth in recent years, so are all available individually as well as part of a group, to provide guidance, support and consultancy. The management committee often have visits on site too, to ensure they see our ethical practices first hand.
Management Committee
The committee consists of one ADO Director, one ADO Executive Director (non-salaried), and six independent individuals.
The two members below are in senior positions within ADO River Valley, with more information on them that can be found on our meet the team page : HERE>
♦ Victoria McHolland-Pilcher ♦ Katie Palmer
These committee members can be contacted as follows:
Chair of Proprietorial Body - Victoria McHolland-Pilcher
Head Teacher - Helen Nobbs
Chair of the Management Committee – David Euridge
You can contact him via david@adoservices.co.uk or by correspondence to 126 Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, Kent DA16 3NB
General enquiries should be made to education@adorivervalley.co.uk or by calling the main head office number on 020 8850 6778
In addition;
♦ Charlotte Power-Mcleod - Charlotte is a non-salaried executive director at ADO. Charlotte's experience is in the youth service, predominately within the London Borough of Bromley. She has been a Senior Manager within the youth service for over fifteen years. Charlotte is part of the key decision making processes at ADO and provides expert support on funding, grants, goverment directives on youth and other children and young people initiatives for those that are NEET. She is key to organising regular events for children and young people to have free access to activities during half-terms and holidays at venues and parks all over the Borough of Bromley. She has also set up a partnership with Bromley Careers Service that ADO can use for its own young people as a careers advisory service.
Member of Proprietorial Body - Charlotte Power-Mcleod
contact: charlottep@adotherapy.co.uk
♦ Sarah Holland-Leppard -
Sarah is a Senior Occupational Therapist, with a masters in Mental Health. Sarah has been working in the NHS for over twenty years and is also the ADO clinical supervisor for our therapeutic staff. Sarah provides long arm supervision, guidance on changes to healthcare legislation and works closely with organisations including CAMHS and SLAM in the area. She provides focus and direction for our therapeutic services, and regularly visits our site to observe and advise in her supervisory capacity. She works very closely with the Head of Therapy on how we deliver our services to students.
contact: sarah@adoservices.co.uk
♦ Mary Rouse - Mary is a highly skilled individual with experience in Health, Housing, Education, Social Care and Community Development sectors. She is committed to the public sector and delivering quality services to those in need of them. She developed a particular interest in engagement and consultation work and was able to focus her MSc research on effective engagement in NHS services for people with learning disabilities. She completed a Diploma in Children and Young People’s workforce in 2013, which has strengthened her practice. Mary seized the opportunity created by the Free School programme and project managed the first Free School in her local London borough. The project was successfully delivered and continues to grow from strength to strength. She went on to become Project Director for the same Trust and received approval to open two further schools. In 2017 she was designated as a Specialist Leader of Education with expertise in business and financial management and Academies.
Contact: mary@adoservices.co.uk
♦ David Euridge -
David has recently taken on the role of chair of our management committee.
Contact: david@adoservices.co.uk
♦ Lynn Martin -
Lynn represents the parental compliment to our committee.
e: education@adorivervalley.co.uk
t: 020 8850 6778Last Updated 1st February 2021